Various suites in our Simulation Center are available for rent. Reach out to Patrick Murphy, Director of Operations in Medical Simulation, to learn more.

Cost Description | Government/Academic Partner Use per Hour | External Use per Hour |
Weekday Costs – Simulation Room | ||
Patient Room | 80 | 125 |
OR Room | 180 | 250 |
Trauma Bay | 80 | 125 |
Debrief Room | 80 | 125 |
Holo Deck | 50 | 75 |
OSCE Rooms | 45 | 50 |
Weekend Costs – Simulation Room | ||
Patient Room | 85 | 130 |
OR Room | 205 | 275 |
Trauma Bay | 85 | 130 |
Debrief Room | 85 | 130 |
Holo Deck | 85 | 130 |
OSCE Rooms | 50 | 55 |
Other Resources | ||
Standardized Patient/ Actor | 30 | 35 |
Confederate (RN typically) | 45 | 55 |
Simulation Operation Specialist | 50 | 60 |
Consultations | 50 | 60 |
More information about renting other spaces around the building will be added at a later date.